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FACT CHECK: David Valadao Desperate to Hide His Damaging Health Care Record And Bad Votes Hurting DREAMers From the Central Valley

Valadao Runs from His Record, But the Voters of the Central Valley Have Not Forgotten

Either it’s 2018 all over again, or David Valadao thinks he can dupe the voters of the Central Valley. Today, rejected Congressman David Valadao released his first ad of the 2020 election, picking up right where he left off in his dishonest attempts to mislead voters on his health care record.

While Rep. TJ Cox has spent nearly two years in Congress voting to protect those with pre-existing conditions and lowering prescription drug costs, Valadao’s voting record speaks for itself. In 2017, Valadao folded like a cheap suit to pressure from Trump and his party and Central Valley boss Kevin McCarthy and voted to gut protections for millions of Californians with pre-existing conditions and strip health care from over 60,000 of his own then-constituents.

No matter how hard he tries to run from his record and long lists of bad votes, David Valadao can’t change the facts:

  1. Valadao claims he worked with Obama, but in Congress he voted against President Obama over 80 percent of the time. But how often did he vote with Trump? Over 99 percent.
  2. Valadao claims he worked with both parties to bolster health care in the Central Valley. He actually voted to strip health care from over 60,000 of his constituents, increase the cost of care for older American by up to five times, and gut protection for patients with preexisting conditions.
  3. And with zero sense of shame, Valadao claims he stood up to his party and protected DREAMers in the Central Valley. Only problem is he didn’t – he not only didn’t stand up to his party on immigration or stand up for Dreamers – he voted to block the Dream Act 21 times and bowed to GOP leadership that wanted to kill the bill.

Statement from DCCC Spokesperson Andy Orellana:

“After Central Valley voters held him accountable for voting to take health insurance away from people with pre-existing conditions, rejected Congressman David Valadao’s latest ad is a desperate attempt to lie about his record in Washington of attacking health care and turning his back on DREAMers. It did not work in 2018 and it’s not going to work in 2020. Central Valley voters know that when it mattered, Valadao folded like an old used lawn chair and caved to pressure from his party bosses, voting to take away their health care and dismiss the needs of DREAMers in the Central Valley.”



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