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With Friends Like These: David Bossie Endorses Comstock, Promptly Makes Racist Comment

On June 5th, former Trump campaign staffer and Fox News personality David Bossie sent a ringing endorsement of Rep. Barbara Comstock, recounting all of the work they have done together over the last 25 years digging up dirt on political opponents.

Yesterday on a Fox News Sunday show, Bossie made a blatantly racist remark directed at an African-American panelist that has no business being repeated here.

No surprise – Comstock hasn’t rebuked her friend, endorser, and donor.

This isn’t the first time Comstock’s friends have gotten her in trouble, or the first time she has circled the wagons for them. She came to the defense of her extreme pals at the Independent Women’s Forum even though they have attacked the #MeToo movement, and hasn’t said a word about Corey Stewart since he outperformed her in her own district to become the Republican Senate nominee. (And who today said the Civil War was not fought over slavery.)

“Rep. Barbara Comstock’s silence in the face of David Bossie’s repulsive, racist comments is just the latest reminder that she owes her allegiance to extreme right-wing ideologues who couldn’t be further out of touch with her constituents.” – DCCC Spokesperson Jacob Peters

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