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Garbarino Lies To Voters

Rep. Garbarino lies about efforts to cut costs to scare voters

During a local radio appearance on WABC, Rep. Garbarino brazenly and flagrantly lied about critical cost-cutting legislation, and spews a debunked GOP talking point, claiming that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will hire 87,000 new IRS agents.

That is a lie.

The IRA will cut costs for middle-class families, saving the average household $1,800 a year on energy bills alone while helping cool off inflation nationwide, including in Long Island.

Though Garbarino and Washington Republicans are comfortable lying to their communities, the facts don’t lie: the IRA will lower costs for American families.


TIME: Trump Allies Are Attacking Biden For a Plan to Hire 87,000 New IRS Agents That Doesn’t Exist

Associated Press: AP FACT CHECK: GOP skews budget bill’s impact on IRS, taxes
Washington Post: Hyperbolic GOP claims about IRS agents and audits
DCCC Spokesperson Nebeyatt Betre:
“Andrew Garabarino is a liar. He has consistently voted against cutting costs for Long Islanders, and voters know they deserve leadership that will actually fight for them.”


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