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Garcia Calls Capitol Police Who Defended Democracy ‘Gestapo’

Five Capitol Police Officers died in the aftermath of Jan. 6th as a result of the same baseless claims Garcia and his party continue to push

Today on a morning radio show, vulnerable Republican Mike Garcia revealed just how low he is willing to stoop to appease the most extreme of his party, attacking the brave men and women who serve as Capitol Police as “acting effectively as the Gestapo.”

Garcia’s reprehensible remarks follow a dangerous pattern as Washington Republicans embrace extremism as the party line, declaring January 6th ‘legitimate political discourse.’

Maddy Mundy, DCCC Spokesperson 

“Five Capitol Police officers died in the wake of Jan. 6 as a result of the very lies and conspiracies Trump, Garcia and their party peddle every day. Instead of thanking our law enforcement for their heroic service, Garcia compares them to Nazi secret police. Mike Garcia’s disdain for the same officers who put their lives on the line to defend our democracy from a violent, right-wing mob makes him unfit to serve in Congress.”


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