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George Logan Celebrates Endorsement from “Ultra-MAGA” Elise Stefanik

Rep. Elise Stefanik, Trump shape-shifter and Cheney-backstabber, has endorsed George Logan for Congress – but why is Logan celebrating?

Stefanik is “ultra-MAGA and proud of it” and has embraced the racist, neo-Nazi endorsed “replacement theory” – just like the Buffalo shooter.

Stefanik personifies the radical shift the GOP has taken since 2016:

That Ms. Stefanik, 37, would be hosting this particular party seemed fitting. A once-moderate Republican who worked in President George W. Bush’s White House and was a protégé of former Speaker Paul D. Ryan, she is the embodiment of the rapid shift in the Republican Party. In just a few short years, she has morphed from the conservative mainstream into an unlikely star of the MAGA universe and a die-hard Trump loyalist.

Stefanik has refused to condemn the most radical Republicans in her caucus:

And as her party veers toward extremism, Ms. Stefanik refused to condemn the Republicans who speak most loudly to the fringe.

Stefanik has become an unapologetic Trump loyalist, even defending his praise of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine:

But these days, Ms. Stefanik is a loud and unapologetic Trump acolyte, even defending his praise of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

DCCC Spokesperson James Singer:
“George Logan’s embrace of Stefanik’s radical, ultra-MAGA politics tells voters who he’ll really be fighting for in Washington. He shouldn’t be celebrating this endorsement – he should be rejecting it.”


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