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House Republicans Continue Their Crusade Against Reproductive Freedoms Without Hesitation

In their earliest votes of 118th Congress, House Republicans vote against protecting reproductive freedom

As women across the country endure the unimaginable, brutal consequences of Republican’s war on women, House Republicans are doubling down on their anti-choice agenda in the early days of serving in the majority.

Earlier this week, in one of their very first votes in the majority, House Republicans once again voted against consideration of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify the reproductive freedoms Roe v. Wade guaranteed before the Supreme Court ripped them away

On top of blocking abortion protections, today House Republicans voted to pass anti-choice legislation that is “chock-full of misinformation and creates more barriers to care.”

Clearly, House Republicans did not learn anything when voters sent a clear and resounding message that they support reproductive freedom – dealing Republicans an embarrassing midterm performance.

DCCC spokesperson Tommy Garcia: 
“House Republicans’ opening message to voters has been filled with dysfunction, chaos, and extremism but their despicable commitment to ripping away reproductive freedom is heard loud and clear. With every extreme vote against protecting and further restricting abortion rights, House Republicans are building the case against themselves for 2024.”


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