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House Republicans Give Up On Governing, Call It Quits

Extreme House Republicans are calling it quits, breaking for an undeserved summer vacation a week earlier than scheduled because of internal party fighting and all-out refusal to get anything done for hardworking American taxpayers.

Rather than do the work of the people, House Republicans and their most vulnerable members are throwing in the towel.

Meanwhile, Majority Whip Tom Emmer tried to excuse his party’s dysfunction, claiming “I don’t know that there’s much left to do.” Really? Republicans have yet to take up ready-to-go legislation that would:

DCCC Spokesperson Viet Shelton:
“The 118th Congress has been marred by chaos, crisis, and dysfunction – and the abrupt end of July’s session was nothing new. Can the American public name a single thing House Republicans have done to make life better? No – and their legacy will be destroyed by their extremism.”


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