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Juan Ciscomani Supports Fervently Anti-Abortion Legislation, Endangers Arizonans’ Health Care

Freshman Rep. Juan Ciscomani – who represents a district President Biden won in 2020 – is under fire for co-sponsoring fervently anti-abortion legislation that would force millions of women off their private health care plans.

Ciscomani has refused to answer questions on his reproductive health care position on the campaign trail, yet has already taken extreme, anti-abortion votes in the U.S. House that would limit access to mifepristone – a safe medication that is used for miscarriages – and prevent servicemembers from taking leave to seek an abortion. Ciscomani’s latest support for H.R. 7 makes clear his ultimate goal: enacting a nationwide abortion ban.

The Arizona Republic: Democrats believe abortion issue can topple freshman Rep. Juan Ciscomani
By Ryan Randazzo
June 30, 2023

  • Democratic strategists are betting early they can take a Republican-held House seat from Rep. Juan Ciscomani by focusing the 2024 election on abortion rights.

  • Ciscomani is taking heat from national Democrats over his cosponsorship of H.R. 7, referred to as the no abortions with federal money act.

  • “During his brief time in Congress, Juan Ciscomani has proactively sought to chip away at Arizonans’ reproductive freedoms to reach his ultimate goal: passing a nationwide abortion ban,” DCCC spokesperson Justin Chermol said. “This dangerous bill, which would force women off their private health insurance plans, is just his latest attempt.”

  • Ciscomani also is on the House Appropriations Committee, which recently boasted that Republican members successfully prevented federal employees from taking paid leave to get abortions. Ciscomani voted yes on the wide-ranging bill.

  • H.R. 7 has 163 cosponsors, all Republicans, including five of the six from Arizona. — Rep. David Schweikert being the exception from his state.

  • Sponsorship of such a bill is probably safe for Republicans in districts with a strong Republican majority, but Democrats see an opportunity to highlight the issue in Ciscomani’s district considering how close his last race was.

  • H.R. 7 prohibits using government subsidies, including tax credits, to purchase insurance plans that cover abortions. Women who are serving in the military, veterans or covered under Medicaid, as well as federal employees and those covered by the Indian Health Service, would therefore not be able to use their credits to purchase insurance that covers abortions.

  • About 74,000 military veterans live in the district, according to the U.S. Census.

  • Abortion-rights groups are eager to highlight the issue in CD6.


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