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Katko Doubles Down on Support for Tax Scam Bill Bill Raises Taxes for New Yorkers by $4 Billion

In an online interview yesterday with the Auburn Citizen, Congressman John Katko reiterated his support for the Republican tax scam bill passed last year that provided huge giveaways to corporations and the wealthiest Americans while raising property taxes and healthcare premiums for the middle-class.

In the interview, Katko stated that “I think the long-term effects [of the tax bill] are very good” and that “I don’t regret supporting it.” While Katko may have no regrets, New Yorkers have plenty as they pay higher taxes and their health insurance premiums rise.

And, while Katko admitted that “the deficit we are leaving for future generations is unsustainable,” he happily supports the tax bill, even as it adds $2 trillion to the federal debt and ushers in an era of trillion-dollar deficits.

“Congressman Katko is showing us his true colors once again,” said DCCC spokesperson Mike Gwin. “Instead of standing up for hard-working New Yorkers, Katko is doubling down on his support for a tax scam that gave huge handouts to corporate special interests and the wealthy while raising taxes and health care costs for middle-class. It’s long past time that Congressman Katko started actually representing his constituents instead of the party bosses and Washington special interests who bankroll his campaigns.”

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