News · Press Release

MAGA Republicans’ Project 2025 Would Hurt Hard Working Latinos

New polling from Navigator Research revealed that as Latino voters learn more about MAGA Republicans’ Project 2025, their opposition towards it increases – with 71 percent of Latinos opposing Project 2025 after then learning more about its policies.

That’s why House Democrats will make clear how Project 2025’s disastrous economic policies would negatively impact hard working Latinos.

MAGA Republicans and their Project 2025 would severely hurt working Latinos by: 

This week the DCCC released a memo on how Project 2025 solidifies MAGA Republicans’ extremism.

DCCC Spokesperson José Muñoz:
“It’s no wonder that the more Latinos hear about MAGA Republicans’ Project 2025, the more they oppose it. While House Democrats are working to lower costs, MAGA Republicans are hell bent on making life more expensive for hardworking Latinos.”


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