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Majewski Slammed Across Ohio & Nation for His Shameful Lies

Veterans are condemning Majewski, but the NRCC still hasn’t

OH-09 GOP candidate J.R. Majewski is facing widespread condemnation after a damning report revealed he lied about his military record.

Across the country, veterans and voters are taking notice of his betrayal and fraud and are speaking out. Meanwhile, the National Republican Campaign Committee has refused to condemn Majewski’s lies and are continuing to uplift them.

For his part, Majewski has only doubled down, refusing to apologize and instead continuing to mince words and failing to defend his lies. Unfortunately for him, his crocodile tears won’t save him now.

DCCC Spokesperson Nebeyatt Betre
“It is absolutely disgraceful and a slap in the face to combat veterans who served in Afghanistan that the NRCC hasn’t spoken out against Majewski’s lies. Ohio’s veterans deserve better than what Republicans and the NRCC can deliver.”

See below for just a sampling of the devastating headlines and responses from veterans lambasting Majewski for his dishonesty.

From Ohio veterans:

“Marcy Kaptur has spent her whole career standing up for veterans, servicemembers and our families. She understands the sacrifices our men and women in uniform have made and has delivered time and again for Ohio’s military community. That’s a clear contrast with J.R. Majewski, who misrepresented his service for a campaign talking point. Majewski’s lies are disqualifying and he belongs nowhere near the U.S. Congress,” said Connie Pillich, Chair of the Ohio Democratic Party’s Veterans Caucus. 

“I know Marcy Kaptur. I know her heart and what she does for servicemembers and veterans every single day. She cares deeply about honoring the men and women who wore the uniform. J.R. Majewski lying about fighting in combat absolutely disqualifies him from ever being able to serve in Congress,” said Lucas County Marine Veteran Ralph Green.

“For a campaign that couldn’t seem to sink any lower, J.R. Majewski has somehow found a way. Lying about military service is nothing short of disqualifying, and J.R. is certainly not qualified to serve in Congress. Meanwhile, Marcy Kaptur has delivered for Ohio veterans time and again, and I know she’ll continue to put our interests first when she’s re-elected in November,” said Anthony Eliopoulos, First Lieutenant, U.S. Army National Guard, and candidate for Ohio Senate 13.

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