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Matt Rosendale Voted Against Help for Montana’s Veterans and Families

Rosendale Honors Montana’s Veterans With Nothing More Than Lip Service

Maryland Matt Rosendale is trying to reinvent his record once again. Rosendale is on Facebook posting that he’s supported veterans – but Montana’s veterans know the truth: he’s failed them again and again.

When presented the chance to help the lives of Montana’s Vets and their families, Matt Rosendale voted against creating a program that has helped hundreds of veterans and gold star families buy homes.

The gold star family loan program was endorsed by major veterans groups like the American Legion, VFW, and National guard. Even with those endorsements, Rosendale still voted against a program responsible for giving over 200 new loans to veterans and their families and just shows Rosendale’s hollow commitment to honoring Montana’s veterans.

Statement from DCCC Spokesperson Andy Orellana:

“Time and time again, Maryland Matt has shown that the only thing he’s willing to give veterans is lip service while voting against their best interests. Instead of providing the necessary needs for Montana’s veterans and their families, Rosendale has consistently opposed necessary and deserved services for Montana’s veterans. As the daughter of a WWII veteran and the wife of a Vietnam War veteran, Kathleen Williams understands what military families need and will never stop fighting for them.”


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