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MEMO: Medicaid Cuts Prove Politically Perilous for House Republicans

To: Interested Parties
From: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Date: February 24, 2025

Vulnerable House Republicans are sealing their political fate this week when they vote on a far-right budget blueprint that would inflict massive pain upon American families. 

Rather than delivering on their campaign promises to lower the high cost of living, they are poised to pass an extreme budget scheme that would decimate affordable health care and take food off the tables of millions of American families – all to fund tax breaks for their billionaire backers and wealthy corporations. 

To be clear: any so-called moderate House Republican who votes in favor of this budget will be unable to escape the political fallout for the next two years.  

Recent polling from Navigator Research finds four out of five Americans view the Republican Party as caring more about corporations, billionaires, and CEOs than everyday Americans. President Trump’s own pollster – sampling 18 competitive House districts – found broad opposition among voters to the Republican priorities laid out in their budget proposal and tax package. 

That opposition manifested itself across the country over the past week when Members of Congress were sent home for the first extensive district work period since Trump’s inauguration with concerned constituents holding protests calling on their Member to not cut these crucial programs that provide health care coverage for one in five Americans, including nearly half of all children. Not surprisingly, vulnerable Republicans refused to hold in-person town halls, instead hiding from their constituents. And it’s no wonder when you consider that even Republicans in safe seats (see Congressman McCormick of Georgia) experienced massive political blowback over this bait and switch by their representatives.

Check out just some of the coverage from across the country: 

As vulnerable Republicans seek political cover through misleading tweets and aimless letters, voters see through their deception and dishonesty. No matter what they pretend, we know they are poised to greenlight this destructive budget scam, because they ALWAYS side with billionaires over everyday Americans. It’s a vote that will cost them their jobs.

Bottom line: The DCCC will hold every so-called moderate House Republican accountable for their support of the Republican agenda to rip away health care and food from American families. Republicans will find that a ‘yes’ vote doomed their reelection chances come November 2026.

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