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As Miami-Dade Cases Spike, Giménez Says: “I can’t get it under control myself”

On Fox News this Saturday, Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Carlos Giménez, said responding to solving the COVID-19 pandemic: “I can’t get it under control myself.”

This statement comes as nearly 20,000 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Florida this weekend.

It also comes just weeks after Giménez had his very own Mission Accomplished moment, arguing that the county had successfully “flattened the curve” and that rising cases aren’t “concerning.”

“If Mayor Carlos Giménez knows he can’t get COVID-19 under control then perhaps he should step aside so someone else can,” said DCCC Spokesperson Sarah Guggenheimer. “Floridians are getting sick and will continue to do so until they have real leaders at the helm, instead of Giménez’ floundering approach where one week the county had ‘flattened the curve’ and the next it’s uncontrollable. Every day, but particularly in this moment of crisis, Miami-Dade deserves better.”


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