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Mike Lawler Goes After Social Security and Medicare

Mike Lawler put his allegiance to the extreme MAGA wing of his party on full display today by declaring his intentions to go after Social Security and Medicare.

Lawler’s indications that he would gut these critical programs that seniors in New York’s 17th Congressional District rely on is further proof that he is not the moderate he claims to be.

Don’t believe us? See for yourself: 

“If we do nothing on Social Security and Medicare, both programs are going broke. So, long-term we’re going to have to deal with those two programs. We’re going to have to deal with the mandatory spending. We cannot continue to print new money and borrow at these rates at all.”

Watch the full clip here.

DCCC Spokesperson Ellie Dougherty:
“Mike Lawler is an extreme Republican who is planning to gut Social Security and Medicare, two critical programs that New Yorkers rely on. No matter how hard he tries, Lawler can’t backtrack his intention to betray Hudson Valley seniors.”


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