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MISSING: Mike Coffman’s Principles


Vulnerable Republican Mike Coffman’s continued silence about whether or not he would support Donald Trump if Trump were the Republican nominee has prompted widespread concern over Coffman’s missing principles.

Coffman’s denial to make his principles clear for constituents has contributed to Trump’s rise as the Republican’s prohibitive frontrunner. Colorado’s 6th district is one of the House races at the epicenter of the presidential race, and Coffman’s refusal to denounce Trump is contributing to the downfall of the Republican party.

In hopes of recovering the Congressman’s missing principles, Colorado’s 6th district has been blasted with twitter ads that read:

“Missing since Super Tuesday, when Donald Trump – who tramples on the Constitution and has been deemed a national security risk by many prominent Republican foreign policy experts – became clear party frontrunner.  Given the stated interests in keeping country safe, Coffman’s principles were expected to make an appearance to help him denounce Trump, but have not been seen. If found please call 720-748-7514.”

“Mike Coffman is clearly feeling the pressure of the top of the ticket bearing down on him,” said Tyler Law of the DCCC. “It took him about a month to contradict himself and leave voters utterly confused as to where he stands on his party’s front runner. Is he going back to ‘obviously yes’ or will he stick with his current stonewalling? He should get his story straight considering he represents a district that is sure to resoundingly reject Trump’s xenophobia, nativism, and Constitution trampling.”

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