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New DCCC Ad Shreds Faso’s Broken Healthcare Promise to Constituent With Brain Tumor

Highlights Faso’s dismal health care record, special interest ties and dishonesty

Today, the DCCC launched a new 30-second TV spot, “Broken,” using footage of Faso’s broken promise to a constituent with a brain tumor to highlight his shameful record on health care, and his willingness to sell out his constituents for campaign cash.

At the center of the ad is a meeting between Faso and Andrea Mitchell, a constituent with a brain tumor who has independently volunteered her story as a part of the NY-19 campaign. Andrea pleads with Faso to protect people with pre-existing conditions and Faso commits, hugging her and promising her three times that he will not vote to gut protections for pre-existing conditions.

The ad highlights that Faso did exactly that when he returned to Washington, casting the deciding vote to pass the Republican health care repeal bill in committee and gut protections for pre-existing conditions for millions of Americans like Andrea. Importantly, the ad reveals why Faso broke his promise, shedding a light on the more than $100,000 Faso has taken from the health care industry.

“This ad puts Congressman Faso’s complete betrayal of his constituents on full display,” said DCCC Spokesman Evan Lukaske. “Congressman Faso took more than $100,000 from the health care industry and cast the deciding vote to pass the health care repeal bill that gutted protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Time and again, Faso has put his party and campaign donors ahead of his constituents. Faso is exactly what is wrong with Washington, and voters are clearly ready for change.”

The six-figure ad buy will run on cable, and starts on Tuesday, September 18, 2018.


Narrator: “John Faso promised a woman with a brain tumor he wouldn’t take away her healthcare.”

Faso: “I promise, I promise, I promise.”

Narrator: “But after taking over a hundred thousand dollars from the healthcare industry, Faso broke that promise and cast the deciding vote for a new healthcare scheme that would deny protections for pre-existing conditions and let insurers charge older Americans five times more than younger ones.”

Narrator: “John Faso…”

Faso: “I promise, I promise.”

Narrator: “…he isn’t working for us.”


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