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One Year Ago, Derrick Van Orden Bullied Teenage Senate Pages in the Capitol Rotunda

One year ago today, Derrick Van Orden threw a temper tantrum in the U.S. Capitol and berated a group of teenage Senate pages taking photos in the Rotunda.

Even after his own party leadership said they were alarmed by his behavior, Van Orden never apologized. Instead, he claimed the teens were being “disrespectful” to the grounds — an interesting argument coming from a man who attended the “Stop the Steal” rally that led to the deadly Capitol Insurrection on January 6th.

In case you forgot the details, here are the highlights:

The Hill: ‘Jackasses,’ ‘little s‑‑‑‑’: GOP congressman curses out teenage Senate pages

The Cap Times: Editorial: Van Orden keeps getting in trouble for picking on teenagers

WIZM: Editorial: Van Orden’s actions utterly despicable

Leader-Telegram: Editorial: An apology is in order

The Cap Times: Letter to the Editor: Van Orden is unfit for office

La Crosse Tribune: Letter to the Editor: Rep. Van Orden’s actions ‘atrocious and disrespectful’

Axios: GOP congressman defends profanity-laced rant at teens in Capitol

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin congressman Derrick Van Orden curses at teen Senate pages during Capitol tour

NBC News: GOP lawmaker ‘screamed’ curse words inches from Senate pages’ faces and ‘shooed’ them, source says

This wasn’t Van Orden’s first time bullying children. He had previously lost his temper in an “aggressive” and “threatening” manner towards a teenage library worker over a book display.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
“Nothing demonstrates just how unfit for office Derrick Van Orden is than his habit of bullying kids. Wisconsin families deserve better, which is why they’ll reject Van Orden in November.”


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