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OUT OF TOUCH: Reps. Carlos Giménez and María Elvira Salazar Side with Radical TX Abortion Ban, Vote Against Reproductive Healthcare

In shameful vote against the Women’s Health Protection Act, Giménez and Salazar back bounty hunters over bodily autonomy

Vulnerable Reps. Carlos Giménez and María Elvira Salazar sent a clear message to Floridians today: with reproductive freedom and the constitutional right to an abortion under attack, they sided with bounty hunters over bodily autonomy. 

Giménez and Salazar’s votes against codifying the critical protections of Roe v. Wade and affirming nearly 50 years of Supreme Court precedent is just the latest evidence that they are grossly out of touch with Miamians. The majority of Americans support the passage of a national law that would protect the constitutional right to safe, legal abortion and stop radical abortion bans, including the one passed this month in Texas. Broad majorities of Americans oppose key provisions of the restrictive Texas abortion law, new polling shows.

Yet when it came time to stand up for South Floridians, Giménez and Salazar once again voted to control women’s bodies and lives over protecting their freedom to make their own decisions free from political interference and vigilante bounty hunters.  

DCCC Spokesperson Abel Iraola

“Carlos Giménez and María Elvira Salazar’s votes against protecting women’s freedom to make their own healthcare decisions is flat-out dangerous for their constituents whose longstanding constitutional right to an abortion is under attack. If Carlos and María Elvira won’t stand up to even the most radical abortion bans that place bounties on the heads of doctors and anyone who assists a woman seeking care, they are too extreme for South Florida.”


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