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Philadelphia Inquirer Ed Board Says “All Eyes” on Fitzpatrick as He Fails to Stand Up for Rule of Law

Last week – before Congressman Fitzpatrick announced his decision to toe the party line because he’s distraught over being fired by Trump  – the Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board wrote that “all eyes” should be on Fitzpatrick, noting that he “need[s] to step up on the impeachment vote – if not to punish abuse of power, then to affirm Congress’ standing as a coequal branch of government.”

Voters in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District expect their representative to put country over party. Unfortunately, Brian Fitzpatrick is set to disappoint them when he votes in lockstep with his party today.

From the Editorial Board:

The impeachment investigation has been an attempt to get to the truth about the president’s abuse of power. One career civil servant after another has testified to the same facts confirming the whistle-blower complaint that triggered this investigation. Those facts have not been disputed, even by most of the president’s defenders.


And that is why we endorse a vote to impeach the president. While his removal from office is unlikely, his crimes against the country, and the Constitution, warrant that outcome.

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