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Put on Blast: Derrick Anderson Called Out for Refusing to Protect Abortion Rights

During an NAACP debate last night, Derrick Anderson was asked a straightforward question from the moderator: “Do you support a woman’s right to choose, yes or no?”

His response? A rhetorical backflip performance that included everything but an answer to the simple question.

The moderator then asked Anderson again, and again, Anderson still failed to answer.

Despite his blatant dodging and ongoing refusal to answer questions about abortion with press, Derrick Anderson’s anti-abortion record is clear. He praised the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v Wade and enthusiastically campaigned with Yesli Vega in 2022 even after she expressed doubts that rape survivors can get pregnant and therefore shouldn’t have abortion rights.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Derrick Anderson was asked point blank if he would protect reproductive rights and he repeatedly refused to defend women’s right to an abortion. It’s clear that women cannot trust him to stand up for them – and in November, they’ll reject his anti-abortion agenda.”


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