Nick Begich

Alaska’s At-Large (AK - At-Large)

Updated: October 15, 2024


Anchorage: $91.99
Fairbanks: $28.53
Juneau: $22.25

Congresswoman Mary Peltola is pro-fish, pro-jobs, pro-family, and the only pro-choice candidate in the race. She delivers for Alaska by working with anyone, including those she disagrees with, to get things done and bring good paying jobs to Alaska. Meanwhile, Nick Begich is a scammer who is only looking out for himself and his millions.


It is critical that voters across the district, and in particular non partisan and undeclared voters, always see – until the November 5 general election – on broadcast, cable, and digital including streaming – especially on Youtube and Meta – as well as hear ads on radio and read in mail about Nick Begich’s extreme views on women’s reproductive health care:

  • Nick Begich supports a nationwide abortion ban and would join extremists in Washington to ban abortion in all cases without exceptions for victims of rape, incest, or to save a woman’s life – and could even put doctors in jail. Begich’s radical agenda would take away our freedom to control our bodies and reproductive health. 

At the same time, voters districtwide, and in particular non partisan and undeclared voters, should see ads in sequential order on broadcast, cable, and digital including streaming – especially on YouTube and Meta – as well as hear ads on radio and read mail that:

  • Nick Begich’s company promoted outsourcing as a “Great Solution” for small and medium-sized businesses to “eliminate salaries” from American employees. He personally made millions by offshoring jobs to India. But even Nick’s employees in India disagree. One employee says they’re treated like “slaves.” The jobs he offshored to India cost a would-be Alaskan employee, on average, more than $130,000. Alaskans need their representatives to bring jobs to Alaska, not send them away. 
  • Alaskans are struggling to catch just one King Salmon to put food on their table. The Yukon is shut down for subsistence fishing and rural communities are getting less than 1% of the total yield. Nick Begich opposed legislation that would make sure the government keeps its promises to Alaska Natives and rural Alaska. He says the “people closest to industry,” including industrial trawlers, should be making these decisions. Nick Begich is putting the Alaska way of life at risk. 

White men under the age of 60 without a college degree, who are either very likely to be Republican or slightly more likely to be Republican than Democrat, who are not pro-choice or registered Democrats, and who live in the Anchorage and Fairbanks media markets, including in South Central Alaska  – need to see ads narrowly targeted to them on digital platforms like Meta, Twitter, YouTube, and programmatic CTV that: 

  • John Wayne Howe is a Fairbanks native who is running for Congress to keep Alaska for Alaskans and make sure the government does not interfere with Alaskans’ freedoms. Howe believes that man-made climate change is bad science, and that we need to rapidly expand oil production here in Alaska for Alaskans. He will always stand for the Second Amendment and opposes any restrictions on the right to bear arms.


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