Juan Ciscomani

Arizona’s 6th (AZ - 06)

Updated: July 18, 2024


Updated: July 18, 2024
CANDIDATE CPP: Tucson – $250

Juan Ciscomani is too extreme for Southern Arizona. Juan Ciscomani has a long history of pushing far right views, and now in Congress, he is pushing an extreme agenda ahead of the needs of Arizona families.


Southern Arizona voters need to see ads on broadcast in Tucson and on streaming and digital platforms district-wide, and read in mail:

  • Juan Ciscomani has spent most of his adult life on the board of directors of a Christian Nationalist group called the Patriot Academy that believes we should rewrite the constitution to establish a Christian Nation and considers the separation of church and state a “myth.” The Patriot Academy trains children as young as eleven years old to use lethal force, believes we should abolish gay marriage and is against abortion without any exceptions.
  • Ciscomani has voted for national abortion restrictions and supports allowing politicians to ban abortion with no exceptions for rape and incest. Ciscomani strongly supports Donald Trump, who said states should have the right to monitor every woman who gets pregnant in the state to make sure they have not had an illegal abortion. 
  • Juan Ciscomani is a member of a far right group fighting to raise the retirement age for Social Security, end Medicare’s ability to negotiate for lower prescription drug costs and cut taxes by $175,000 for people earning more than $4.5 million a year, all while allowing the government to tax Arizonans’ healthcare.

Additional Resources


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  • Voters need to see and hear from real people who live in the district about Ciscomani’s extreme and dangerous positions on abortion and social security. 
  • Voters need to hear about the Patriot Academy in a serious, straightforward tone.

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