Yvette Herrell

New Mexico’s 2nd (NM - 02)

Updated: August 22, 2024


Candidate CPP:
Albuquerque English:$139
Albuquerque Spanish: $190
El Paso English: $145
El Paso Spanish: $96

Voters in New Mexico need to know who will put New Mexico families first. Gabe Vasquez knows the value of hard work and has a record of working with Republicans and Democrats to deliver results for New Mexicans, while Yvette Herrell is a MAGA extremist who will put her far-right agenda ahead of doing what’s right for hardworking New Mexicans.


Voters (including Hispanics and non-Hispanics) need to see ads on English and Spanish broadcast in Albuquerque and in El Paso, and on streaming and digital platforms district-wide, radio on the following stations KLMA-FM, KLVO-FM, KPZE-FM, KRZY-AM, KRZY-FM, KXOT-FM, KAMA-AM, KBNA-FM, KINT-FM, KYSE-FM and read in the mail that Herrell’s extreme MAGA agenda will harm everyday New Mexicans.

  • Herrell not only supported a total national abortion ban in Congress, but also said that she wished she could have “eliminated all abortion” in New Mexico, even in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the woman is at risk. She also said that she was “proud” to have co-sponsored legislation that would have made abortion a felony and sent rape victims who have an abortion to prison.
  • Herrell not only joined with her fellow MAGA extremists in voting against a plan to cap the price of insulin at $35 per month but also supports extreme plans that would raise the retirement age, gut Social Security and end guaranteed Medicare benefits, cutting benefits for New Mexico seniors who have spent their lives working hard and paying into these programs.
  • Herrell says that Donald Trump is her personal “hero” even though he wants to allow state governments to monitor women’s pregnancies to make sure they don’t have an abortion.

After Hispanic voters have seen ads on the above messages, they also need to see ads in English and Spanish on streaming and digital platforms district-wide and on the following stations KLMA-FM, KLVO-FM, KPZE-FM, KRZY-AM, KRZY-FM, KXOT-FM, KAMA-AM, KBNA-FM, KINT-FM, KYSE-FM and read in the mail that Yvette Herrell is a Trumpista that is out for herself. 

  • Herrell introduced legislation to allow New Mexico’s public lands to be sold off to the highest bidder; voted against protecting New Mexicans from toxic methane gas leaks that harm our air, water, and health; and voted against holding polluters accountable even when their toxic waste was linked to causing cancer and liver damage.

Additional Resources

  • {Backup}
  • Voters need to hear Yvette Herrell in her own words
  • Voters need to hear from real people who live in the district about Herrell’s extreme and dangerous position on abortion.
  • Yvette Herrell can be identified as a “Trumpista” or “MAGA extremist” to Hispanic voters. Non-Hispanics should hear that Herrell is a “MAGA extremist”.

Yvette Herrell Preliminary Research

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