Yvette Herrell

New Mexico’s 2nd (NM - 02)

Updated: July 12, 2024


Voters in New Mexico need to know who will put New Mexico families first. Gabe Vasquez knows the value of hard work and has a record of working with Republicans and Democrats to deliver results for New Mexicans, while Yvette Herrell is a MAGA extremist who will put her far-right agenda ahead of doing what’s right for hardworking New Mexicans.


Voters need to see on English and Spanish broadcast in Albuquerque, on English and Spanish broadcast in El Paso, and on streaming and digital platforms district-wide that: 

  • Gabe Vasquez believes that every New Mexican deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care. That’s why, in Congress, he’s fighting to cap the cost of life-saving insulin at $35 per month for everyone, allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices on more prescription drugs, and give all New Mexicans the option to buy into Medicare.
  • On the Las Cruces City Council, Vasquez secured $5.2 million for the Las Cruces police budget. As a member of the Border Security Task Force in Congress, Vasquez has worked with Republicans and Democrats to find real solutions, securing nearly $300 million for border security, voting to add more than 20,000 new border patrol agents, and leading bipartisan efforts to modernize border security, crack down on cartels, and ensure that anyone who plays by the rules can have an opportunity at citizenship.

For now, voters need to be prepared to learn and see on English and Spanish broadcast in Albuquerque, English and Spanish broadcast in El Paso and on streaming and digital platforms district-wide that:

  • Yvette Herrell supports “eliminat[ing] all abortion” in New Mexico, even in the cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the woman is at risk. Herrell’s plans would make abortion a felony and send rape victims to jail.

Additional Resources

  • {Backup}
  • Voters need to hear Yvette Herrell in her own words
  • Voters need to hear from real people who live in the district about Herrell’s extreme and dangerous position on abortion
  • It would be helpful for voters to hear from real people who live in the district about Gabe Vasquez’s efforts to strengthen border security and increase funding for law enforcement

Yvette Herrell Preliminary Research

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