Mike Lawler

New York’s 17th (NY - 17)

Updated: July 12, 2024


Mike Lawler: Breaking His Promises, Hurting The Middle Class

With Mike Lawler, you have to watch what he does, and not what he says on TV and social media. His actions show that his words are empty. His time in Congress has been marked by broken promises. He consistently sides with Washington Republicans over his constituents in the Lower Hudson Valley.


Voters in NY-17 should see digital ads, mail, and TV that highlight Mike Lawler’s broken promises and a voting record that hurts the middle class: 

  • Mike Lawler has voted 19 times against protecting Social Security and Medicare benefits for people who spent a lifetime paying into the system. He opposed lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and protections for nursing home residents.
  • While taking more than $150,000 from the insurance industry, Mike Lawler opposed measures to lower health care premiums, voted against coverage for mental health care, and opposed capping the cost of the lifesaving drug insulin at $35 per month. He even opposed the law that prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to millions of New Yorkers with pre-existing conditions.
  • Mike Lawler has voted repeatedly against a woman’s right to an abortion and even voted for a bill that could allow doctors who perform an abortion to be thrown in jail. And Lawler is part of an extreme group of Republicans that wants to ban abortion in New York, even in cases of rape and incest.

Additional Resources


Voters need to hear from real people who live in the district about Lawler’s extreme and dangerous position on abortion.

It would be helpful for voters to hear from real people who live in the district about Mondaire Jones’s efforts to strengthen border security and increase funding for law enforcement.

Mike Lawler Research Book

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