Jen Kiggans

Virginia’s 2nd (VA - 02)

Updated: July 12, 2024


This race will be decided on a fundamental question – who is going to put the needs of Coastal Virginia ahead of extreme political games. Jen Kiggans is focused on pushing an extreme right-wing agenda instead of doing what’s right for Coastal Virginia families; simply put, Kiggans went to Washington and left working families behind. 


Voters need to see on Broadcast, cable, and satellite TV in the Norfolk media market and on streaming and digital platforms across the district that Jen Kiggans is an extremist who in Washington has voted against the rights and freedoms of Virginia women and servicemembers:

  • Jen Kiggans called an abortion ban “common-sense” and has voted multiple times to restrict abortion access, including voting to punish doctors for providing reproductive care and voting to restrict servicewomen’s access to abortions.
  • She celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade and supports letting politicians ban abortion nationwide, with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the woman– which would end abortion access in Virginia.

Additional Resources


Jen Kiggans Preliminary Research

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