Washington Insider David Young released a laughable new TV ad where he claimed to have his finger on the pulse of “Iowa reality” despite his 20-year career in Washington. Following is a statement on his new TV ad from the DCCC’s Brandon Lorenz:
“The reality is that David Young has owned two homes in Washington D.C. and hasn’t lived in Iowa in more than 20 years, which is why he didn’t know that you could buy a home in Iowa for $70,000, and why he said he wanted to eliminate the Department of Education, which would cut funding for schools, all while giving tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations,” said Brandon Lorenz of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “The reality is Iowa voters are going to reject a Washington insider like David Young, whose vision is to reduce opportunity for Iowa students so that the wealthy and big corporations can get a tax break.”
Young has Been a Washington Insider for 20 Years. From 1993 to 2013, Young earned at least $1,571,586 from his salary and travel expenses with the U.S. Senate. [Secretary of the Senate, accessed 7/10/14]
July 2008: Bought Three Story DC Home for $1.275 Million. In August 2008, a Deed was filed with the DC Recorder of Deeds. In July 2008, Young bought the three story row house for $1.275 million. [DC Office of Tax and Revenue, accessed 6/23/14; Deed, 8/13/08]
December 2000: Bought Second DC Home for $308,554. In December 2000, Young bought the two and a half story row house for $308,554. [DC Office of Tax and Revenue, accessed 6/30/14]
Young Expressed Shock that He Could Buy a Home in Van Meter for $70,000. In May 2013, Young expressed his shock that he could buy a home in Van Meter, Iowa for $70,000. “Did you know you can buy a four-bedroom house in Van Meter for $70,000?” Young said. [Des Moines Register, 5/26/13]
Young Embraced Republican Budget, Saying it was a “Good Thing.” In 2014, at fundraiser with Congressman Paul Ryan, Young said the Ryan Budget “moves the ball down the field […] and that’s a good thing.” [Associated Press, 4/11/14]
- Republicans Budget Proposal Would “Reduce Taxes for the Wealthy.” “House Republicans will revive Rep. Paul Ryan’s lightning-rod proposals to slash the federal safety net, beef up military spending and reduce taxes for the wealthy in a budget unveiled Tuesday — an election-year calling card that Democrats are poised to use against the GOP.” [Los Angeles Times, 4/01/14]
- Republican Budget Would Cut Corporate Tax Rate by 10 Percent. “That plan would collapse the current seven individual tax brackets into two and lower the top individual rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent. The corporate rate would also be slashed to 25 percent, from its current 35 percent.” [The Hill, 4/01/14]
Young: I Would Get Rid Of The Department Of Education “As We Know It.” In 2013, when asked if he would get rid of the Department of Education Young responded:“I’d get rid of it as we know it, of course, but, you know, I would.” [Polk County GOP Picnic, Des Moines, IA, 9/7/13]