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REMINDER: George Logan Boasts An Extreme Anti-Labor Record

Nine weeks out from Election Day, George Logan continues to prove how out of touch his MAGA agenda is with families of Connecticut’s Fifth District – especially when it comes to organized labor and working families.

At a Labor Day parade this past weekend, Logan failed to acknowledge union members in Connecticut’s Fifth District to WTNH, instead only offering up the same canned, detail-lacking talking points from his anti-worker Republican Party bosses.

This comes as no surprise, considering Logan boasts an extensive and extreme anti-labor record: 

  • In the State Senate, Logan voted against establishing a paid family and medical leave program, which benefited thousands of Connecticut workers.

  • Logan voted against raising Connecticut’s minimum wage to $15, which was set to benefit more than half a million Connecticut workers.

  • Logan has an abysmal 35% lifetime rating from the Connecticut AFL-CIO after he repeatedly voted against labor agreements in office, including ones to increase hazard pay for police officers and increase wages for childcare providers.

  • Logan opposed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which provided historic investments in Connecticut’s roads, bridges, transit, and water infrastructure, and is expected to create 2 million jobs.

DCCC Spokesperson Ellie Dougherty:
“George Logan’s extreme anti-worker record makes it abundantly clear he’s not claiming to run on a platform that’s pro-job and can’t claim to be fighting for the best interests of everyday families.”


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