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“Republican Prasanth Reddy took thousands from election deniers and anti-abortion zealots” [American Journal News]

Prasanth Reddy may be hiding his positions from voters but one look at his campaign donors tells Kansans exactly who he stands with: the MAGA extremists who are bankrolling his campaign.

With nearly his entire campaign funded by PACs and megadonors, Reddy is backed by the most extreme members of his party who have co-sponsored a national abortion ban and voted to overturn the 2020 election.

After receiving an endorsement from Elise Stefanik, who’s only backing candidates supporting Trump, it’s more clear than ever that Reddy will be a rubber stamp for Trump’s MAGA agenda.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
“Prasanth Reddy has left no question who he’d be beholden to in Congress – Donald Trump and MAGA extremists whose dangerous agenda is completely out of touch with Kansans.”

American Journal News: Republican Prasanth Reddy took thousands from election deniers and anti-abortion zealots
Jesse Valentine | March 14, 2024

  • A review of financial disclosures show that more than 99% of congressional candidate Prasanth Reddy’s donations came from PACs and big donors. Many of these contributors have ties to far-right extremists.

  • From October to December 2023, Reddy’s campaign raised ​​$264,713.98…Only $2,071.56 came from small donors.

  • More than $115,000 of Reddy’s contributions came from groups affiliated with Republican House members who are 2020 election deniers.

  • More than $120,000 of Reddy’s contributions came from anti-abortion groups and candidates. That includes from $46,225 from current Republican House members who co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act, which aimed to ban abortion with exceptions for rape or incest.

  • Reddy has not publicly said if he is backing former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, but Reddy was formally endorsed by Stefanik in December 2023. Stefanik has said she is only endorsing candidates who back Trump’s reelection effort.

  • A Reddy spokesperson did not immediately respond to questions for this story.


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