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Republicans’ Bad Faith Anti-Semitism Argument Laid Bare

After weeks of press releases piling up in reporters’ inboxes about how Republicans stand firm against anti-Semitism, the party of Steve King, Kevin McCarthy, and President Donald “very fine people on both sides” Trump finally showed their grandstanding was nothing but… well grandstanding.

Today Democrats joined Republicans in passing a Motion to Recommit (a very rare occasion, as the NRCC Executive Director pointed out) condemning anti-Semitism. Republicans then turned on a dime and voted against final passage of the underlying bill, opposing the condemnation of anti-Semitism in America that they requested be included.

Make no mistake, anti-Semitism is an extremely serious matter. It impacts Jews in the United States and across the globe. It is a scourge that has gone unchecked for centuries and resulted in the murder of millions of innocent people.

That is why you’re receiving this note. Claiming to stand against anti-Semitism as a political ploy, while attacking Jewish members of the Democratic Caucus, as the NRCC did twice today, is exactly what people hate about politics. Anti-Semitism, intentional, or through ignorance, must be called out by name – as Democratic leadership has consistently done.

What you saw today demonstrates the difference between a party singularly interested in bad faith arguments for political gain, and a party that is interested in doing the right thing and getting the work done for the American people.

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