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Scott Perry and House Republicans Block the Bipartisan Border Bill AGAIN

As the Senate is scheduled to vote on the bipartisan border deal, Scott Perry and House Republicans refuse to support the bill – despite their empty rhetoric claiming they want to address the issue. Even before the vote was set on the bipartisan border security bill, Speaker Mike Johnson declared it “dead on arrival” in the House – again demonstrating House Republicans’ fealty to Donald Trump who has bragged about killing the deal. 

The American people want solutions to address the border and the broken immigration system, but House Republicans continue to put Trump and his orders first, killing the bipartisan deal so they can campaign on the issue.

Perry has already admitted they are choosing politics over people, opposing legislation that provided increased support for border security, including “22,000 border agents,” because it would give Democrats something to “run on.”

House Democrats will hold Perry accountable for putting politics over solutions. Read the DCCC memo HERE.

DCCC Spokesperson Aidan Johnson:
“Pennsylvanians want problem-solving, not partisan gamesmanship. Scott Perry has embraced Trump’s political games – deciding that it’s more important to obey Trump than help secure the border. Pennsylvanians cannot trust Perry to deliver solutions for their communities, and it will cost him their seat in November.”


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