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Scott Perry Votes Against Protecting Pennsylvanians From Harmful Voter Suppression Laws

Perry once again votes to block critical legislation to protect Americans’ voting rights

Today, Perry joined his Washington party bosses and voted to block legislation to protect Pennsylvanians from harmful attacks on their right to vote.

The Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act is more important than ever. As Republican state lawmakers introduce hundreds of bills to suppress voters and pass dozens of laws that limit voters’ access to the ballot box, this bill would expand Pennsylvanians’ opportunities to vote and combat the GOP’s voter suppression crusade.

While Perry voted with every other extremist Republican against putting a stop to the onslaught of Jim Crow-style voter suppression laws hurting voters, House Democrats fought to protect the American people’s most sacred right.

DCCC Spokesperson James Singer
“It’s clear Perry thinks his party’s best way back to a majority is by suppressing the power of voters. If Perry is too afraid of his own voters, he has no business representing them in Congress.”


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