The embattled former Governor of New Jersey has been a key player in all the Republican opportunism and district shopping in Jersey’s congressional races, but he’s really stepped in it this time. Christie admits that candidates that switch parties and don’t ideologically fit in with their new party, like Rep. Jefferson Van Drew, can’t win. Wowsa!
SHOT: “It was Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, and Mr. Stepien who helped orchestrate Mr. Van Drew’s party switch. They began laying the groundwork in late October after Mr. Van Drew voted against formalizing the impeachment inquiry, one of just two Democrats to do so.”
CHASER: “As Christie put it on that talk show, ‘He was Republican when it was convenient, and was cuddled up to Rudy Giuliani.’ Bloomberg then became an independent and is now running as a Democrat. Christie opined that because of that party-switching, “I don’t think there’s any chance, any chance that Mike Bloomberg is the Democratic nominee.”
We’re gonna have to agree with Christie here: party switcher Jefferson Van Drew can’t win this race. Van Drew voted against Trump 90 percent of the time, including votes against some of Trump’s top policy positions and key legislative priorities like the border wall. Van Drew also voted to ratify and affirm investigations related to Trump.
Van Drew’s decision to switch parties came after weeks of lobbying from Christie and Washington Republicans and Van Drew’s own internal polling showed that voters wanted a new representative by a nearly 17 percent margin.