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Silence from Garbarino on SCOTUS Allowing More Guns in New York’s Streets

New study finds concealed-carry laws boost gun crimes by a third

Andrew Garbarino has yet to say anything about the Supreme Court putting New Yorkers in danger after the Court struck down a century-old New York law that restricted the carrying of concealed firearms.

new study finds that concealed-carry laws actually lead to a boost in gun crime, particularly by elevating gun theft by roughly 35%. And top New York police officials are worried the ruling will turn the state into the “Wild East.”

Why hasn’t Andrew said anything about this ruling as New Yorkers rightfully worry more for their safety?

DCCC Spokesperson Nebeyatt Betre: 
“Andrew Garbarino is more concerned about his vulnerable political career than the lives of New Yorkers. His cowardly silence on this life-threatening ruling speaks volumes.”


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