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Speaker Boehner Throws a Bone to Conservatives with Partisan “Investigations”

After a disastrous first two months of this Congress, in which Speaker Boehner proved time and again he had no control over his caucus, he is now launching a new round of politically charged “investigations” in order to appease his Tea Party base.

News reports state that Speaker Boehner is going to authorize even more tax payer dollars “investigating” Hillary Clinton’s emails.

This continues to make clear that House Republicans are going to dedicate every waking hour wasting time and money on partisan antics instead of actually governing and working to improve the middle class.

“Instead of doing their jobs and working to strengthen the middle class, Speaker Boehner and the Republican Congress are continuing to waste time on a pointless political spectacle,” said Matt Thornton of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.  “Speaker Boehner is watching his grip on the speaker’s gavel weaken, and the only thing he can think to do is appease his increasing restless caucus with these wasteful shenanigans.”

As important issues such as the budget are soon to come before Congress, the American people deserve real solutions not partisan games.

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