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Speaker Mike Johnson Joins Trump In New York City Courtroom, Looks To Boost MAGA Accolades

House Republicans continue to put politics over problem-solving

Speaker Mike Johnson, looking to boost his MAGA credentials, joined Donald Trump in a New York City courtroom today, putting party politics over the issues that matter most, like driving down costs, fixing our broken immigration system, and making our communities safer.

Johnson’s pilgrimage is the latest part of his never-ending campaign to bend the knee to Donald Trump. Johnson and the so-called moderate House Republicans have all pledged fealty to Trump’s radical agenda that killed a bipartisan border security deal, espoused debunked election conspiracy theories, and bragged about ending Roe v. Wade.

Mike Johnson has once again proven that for House Republicans, party politics and MAGA fealty always trump making life better for hardworking families. Whatever Trump wants, Mike Johnson and the vulnerable House Republicans will do. 

DCCC Spokesperson Viet Shelton:
“Mike Johnson and House Republicans have all the wrong priorities. Rather than work to deliver for hardworking families, they are too busy being sycophants to Trump, joining him in court during his criminal trial just to make the wannabe dictator feel good (or to keep him from falling asleep).”


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