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Sununu Sours on Mowers

Gov. Sununu on voting twice, “My sense is there are laws against it.”

Everyone is souring on Matt Mowers.

This afternoon, Gov. Chris Sununu was asked about the bombshell report that Matt Mowers violated federal voting law which has him now under review by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office.

The Governor’s response:

“My sense is there are laws against it,” he said of voting in the same election twice. “I think there are federal laws that prevent it,” Sununu said.

Governor Sununu endorsed and cut an ad for Mowers last cycle — now he’s not willing to defend Mowers’ indefensible actions.

It’s brutal out here.

DCCC Spokesperson James Singer
“Gov. Sununu won’t defend Matt Mowers because he can’t. Everyone knows you can’t vote twice in an election and there is no defense for doing so.”


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