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The Case Against Karoline Leavitt

“Karoline Leavitt is a radical MAGA Republican who is unprepared and ill-equipped to represent the Granite State. Her lies about the 2020 election and her agenda to ban abortion, cut Social Security, and repeal the Affordable Care Act are too extreme for New Hampshire.” – DCCC Chairman Sean Patrick Maloney

To: Interested Parties
From: James Singer, DCCC Regional Press Secretary
Date:  September 13, 2022
Subject: The Case Against Karoline Leavitt


Congressman Chris Pappas has been a consummate example of common-sense New Hampshire values. He’s worked across the aisle to fight the opioid epidemic, been a leader on getting PFAS “forever chemicals” out of our drinking water, and worked to lower costs and invest in New Hampshire communities.” Born and bred in New Hampshire, Chris Pappas understands what Granite State families and businesses are facing. In D.C. he’s always put New Hampshire ahead of politics – and he always will.

Karoline Leavitt is a MAGA nightmare. A frothing-at-the-mouth Trumper, Leavitt pushes Trump’s lies about the election that led to January 6th, wants to privatize Social Security, and would ban abortion if elected. Leavitt is an immature radical who puts MAGA partisanship over New Hampshire common-sense.


Good Morning New Hampshire: Leavitt said she was a pro-life Republican who would “always vote that way” in Congress.

WMUR: Leavitt said she wanted to pass a new law to restrict abortion in New Hampshire.

WMUR: Leavitt said she would write the bill to privatize Social Security, which would cut benefits for millions of seniors.

Feltes & Cail: Leavitt said she supported wasting taxpayer money on nationwide election audits to prove Trump won the 2020 election.

WMURLeavitt said global climate change was a fake threat manufactured by Democrats.

Government Integrity Project Debate: Leavitt said she supported incarcerating members of the FBI for being mean to Trump.

CNN“12 GOP ‘Young Guns’ embrace Trump’s election falsehoods.”

Leavitt is a Threat to Abortion Rights

New Hampshire women and families cannot trust Karoline Leavitt, an anti-abortion radical, to protect their rights.

Leavitt is proudly anti-abortion and disrespects women by saying abortion is “not about women’s health.” She supported overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing states to ban abortion even in cases of rape, incest, and when a woman’s life is in danger. In her own words, Leavitt would “always vote” against abortion rights in Congress. She supports passing stronger anti-choice laws in New Hampshire, and her goal in Congress is to end abortion nationwide.

MAGA Leavitt is Wrong for New Hampshire

Karoline Leavitt is a MAGA Republican and would be a rubber stamp for their dangerous agenda in Washington. She’s backed by radical Trump sycophants, like Elise StefanikJim Jordan, and Ted Cruz.

Leavitt’s first vote in Washington would be for the destructive, anti-women, anti-worker, and anti-democratic agenda of MAGA Republicans.

Leavitt and her MAGA Republican backers opposed a bipartisan infrastructure bill to help rebuild the 215 bridges and over 698 miles of highway in poor condition in New Hampshire, which cost Granite State drivers $476 per year.  In total, these Republicans opposed around $2 billion to improve New Hampshire  roads, bridges, high speed internet access, and clean water access. Leavitt even pushed to punish Republicans who voted for the bill.

Leavitt would join a MAGA Republican caucus hell-bent on repealing health care protections for millions of Americans and 233,000 New Hampshire non-elderly adults. Leavitt said she would “absolutely repeal Obamacare – 100 percent.” She also opposes a new law empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices and cap seniors’ out-of-pocket prescription drug and insulin costs.

Leavitt, like the MAGA Republicans backing her, supported cutting Social Security. Leavitt proudly said she would write the bill to privatize Social Security, a scheme that could result in “huge cuts in Social Security benefits.” If elected to Congress, she and her MAGA backers would cut Social Security and raise the retirement age, delaying benefits for millions of Americans.

Leavitt will never vote to protect our environment because she’s busy spreading lies about it. Leavitt says she thinks climate change is “BS” and accused Democrats of “manufacturing” a climate crisis to brainwash young people.

Leavitt supported abolishing all government spending outside defense and homeland security – jeopardizing important programs like Medicare. Leavitt believed that the federal government should only spend money on “two things: on national defense and our homeland security.” This suggests that vital programs like education, Social Security, Medicare, and other programs would be cut or eliminated by Leavitt in Washington. She even supported abolishing the Department of Energy, which she called a “useless three-letter agency.”

Leavitt is a right-wing, MAGA extremist on every other issue. She supported Florida’s anti-LGBT “Don’t Say Gay” bill, and said she hoped a similar law would pass in states like New Hampshire. She wants to abolish the federal minimum wage, but supports tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and big corporations that ship jobs overseas. Leavitt has said she would  oppose any further raising of the debt ceiling, jeopardizing $20 billion in Social Security payments, threatening 6 million jobs, $15 trillion in household wealth, and raising consumer costs.

Leavitt Lied about the 2020 Election, Claimed Trump Won

Even two years after the 2020 election, Karoline Leavitt has continued to claim the 2020 election was “stolen” from Donald Trump. She attacked Republicans and non-partisan election officials in New Hampshire – one of the best run states in the country – and supported wasting taxpayer money to conduct nationwide election audits to prove Trump won the 2020 election. She attacks anyone who disagrees with Trump and will blindly follow the MAGA agenda if elected to Congress.


NH-01 has traditionally been one of the most competitive districts in the country, with Democrat Carol Shea-Porter and Republican Frank Guinta flipping the district back-and-forth five times in six elections between 2006 and 2016. However, Rep. Chris Pappas ended this cycle with a strong 9-point win in 2018, and in 2020 became only the second Democrat to win re-election in NH-01 since 1982. And redistricting barely changed the district’s lines, with 100% of the territory in NH-01 already represented by Rep. Pappas. The district remains evenly split by party registration, with Democrats and Republicans both making up exactly 31% of registered voters. However, President Biden carried the new version of NH-01 by 6 points in 2020, a very impressive 8-point swing relative to Hillary Clinton’s margin in 2016. The district is also highly educated, at 5 points more college educated than the country as a whole, making it difficult for Republicans to reverse this trend. With ultra-MAGA Karoline Leavitt seeking to replicate the playbook that shifted NH-01 firmly into the Democratic column in 2020, Rep. Pappas has a clear path to winning a third term in this quintessential battleground district.


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