Standing in the Way of Staten Island’s Workers and Families
Nicole Malliotakis has used her power in office to try to block nearly every effort that’s helped advance Staten Island’s economy and its working families. In one of her first votes in Congress, Nicole voted to block the American Rescue Plan, which included historic investments in Staten Island and Brooklyn that the region’s economy is enjoying to this day. Malliotakis even criticized the ARP for giving money to “big city mayors like mine to combat crime after they defunded the police” (untrue), yet took credit for it as one of her “achievements.”
The American Rescue Plan not only funded local police departments, it helped more than 3.5 million children statewide, and provided 910,000 workers in New York with significant relief.
Throughout her term, when given opportunity after opportunity to tackle rising costs, Malliotakis voted nearly every time to keep prices high. Whether it’s to stop oil companies from price gouging gas, strengthening our supply chain, or reducing the deficit, Malliotakis continues to prove that she is out-of-touch with New Yorkers and would rather play politics than deliver solutions.
Her recent Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) vote this month is yet the latest proof that Nicole hasn’t gotten any better at delivering for New York. The legislation is an historic game-changer in the fight to slow down inflation and get costs back to normal. However, Malliotakis chose once again to play politics, lie to voters, and vote against this legislation that will benefit families in her district. From lowering health care premiums and drug prices, reducing energy costs, and finally ensuring the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share, the IRA is a win for New Yorkers that Malliotakis tried to block.
This pattern is just a continuation of the type of anti-worker, anti-middle class agenda Malliotakis has always pushed. She voted against strengthening protections for unions, voted against raising the minimum wage, voted against investing in American manufacturing, and supported raising taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes for the wealthiest people and corporations.
With Max Rose, New Yorkers would elect an actual champion for the working class.
Anti-Choice Extremist
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s catastrophic decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, millions of women’s livelihoods are at stake, and Nicole Malliotakis is making their lives even harder. Her extreme anti-choice record proves Nicole is woefully out of touch and too radical to be representing New York in Congress. She’s not just wrong for the district – she’s putting women and families in danger.
In the months since Roe was overturned, Malliotakis and her extreme Washington bosses have doubled down on their radical crusade to turn back the clock on women’s rights and ban Americans’ long-held right to abortion access. She twice voted against codifying Roe into federal law, allowing states to terrorize and criminalize women who seek an abortion. She stood by and said nothing when more than 200 other extreme Republicans urged the Supreme Court to overturn Roe, despite the majority of New Yorkers supporting it.
She even had the audacity to lie to voters in an op-ed and tell them that Democrats were using “Roe v. Wade as a political bogeyman to scare women and score political points by threatening that electing Republicans would result in this landmark decision on abortion rights being overturned.”
She called it a “lie” and a “scare tactic.”
Now, her colleagues are proudly making clear that if elected, they’ll institute a nationwide abortion ban, potentially destroying the protections New Yorkers currently enjoy. But let’s not forget Malliotakis repeatedly voted against New York State’s Reproductive Health Act, which codified Roe v. Wade into New York State law.
Put simply: millions of women would be in even greater danger if Malliotakis is sent back to Congress with a House Republican majority.
Money over People: Friend of Big Pharma, Guns, and Corrupt Interests
Unlike Max Rose, Nicole has never held a job outside of elected office and lobbying and has little to show after a decade of “service.” Always looking for the bigger, flashier personal opportunity, Nicole’s made clear she’s in this for herself. You don’t have to look any further than the company she decides to keep.
Between 2019 and 2020, Malliotakis voted against a total of $1.9 million in funding to fight the opioid epidemic. Why? It could be because Malliotakis owned up to $50,000 worth of stock in opioid manufacturer Johnson & Johnson and up to $19,999 of stock in Pfizer. Both companies were found to have played a devastating role in the opioid crisis.
On the other hand, Max Rose led a successful, bipartisan push to increase funding for opioid treatment and prevention efforts, and he introduced and passed a bipartisan bill signed by President Trump that pressures China to crack down on fentanyl production.
And when the Supreme Court put New Yorkers in danger this year by striking down a century-old New York gun law that restricted the carrying of concealed firearms, Nicole said nothing, despite top New York police officials warning the ruling would increase crime and turn the state into the “Wild East.” She also voted against simple “red flag” legislation that would decrease the risk of crime, violence, and mass shootings and instead voted to keep guns in the hands of dangerous individuals.
Whether it’s from someone praising Hitler, someone accused of criminal insider trading, or an alleged rapist that’s also a foreign agent for communist Chinese government officials, Nicole has no shame in who she aligns herself with as long as she gets a payday.
New York’s 11th Congressional District’s new configuration presents challenges for Democrats on Staten Island, but this district remains one that Max Rose would have carried in 2018. Max Rose has a strong fundraising infrastructure and brings the kind of bipartisan spirit necessary for a Democrat to appeal to more traditionally red voters.
As the former congressman for this district, Max Rose knows what it takes to deliver wins for families and working people in New York. Max was unafraid to work across the aisle to find real solutions, like permanently funding health care for our 9/11 heroes, securing millions of dollars to combat the opioid epidemic, and reforming the tax code to work better for working New Yorkers. Max will be a staunch defender of women’s rights and ensure Congress protects women’s freedom to decide how and when they raise a family. Nicole’s record proves she can’t say the same.