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Three Years Later, House Republicans Continue to Propagate January 6 Falsehoods, Undermine Democracy

House Republicans remain a threat to our democracy, clinging to their dangerous rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and lies three years after the Capitol riot that claimed the lives of five police officers and injured hundreds more.

Extreme Republicans across the battleground continue to rationalize the violence of January 6 and attack our democratic institutions.

GOP House leadership and vulnerable House Republicans are still enabling efforts to promote false conspiracy theories related to the riot.

Wannabe dictator Donald Trump continues to defend the rioters and pour fuel on the flames of his anti-democratic movement – and House GOP leaders are lined up behind his crusade.  

  • House Republican leadership – Johnson, Scalise, and Emmer – all endorsed Donald Trump this week, a salient reminder that the entire Republican conference is 100% in with Trump’s extremism.

    • The disgraced former president and Republican frontrunner recently said that he wants to be a dictator on day one of his presidency.

    • In the past few months, Trump has increasingly espoused dangerous rhetoric, saying that immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country” – rhetoric consistent with Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

  • Trump continues to refer to the Capitol riot as a “beautiful day.”

The American people are tired of rampant extremism and the constant Republican assault on our democracy. 

DCCC Spokesperson Viet Shelton:
“House Republicans are wholly committed to Donald Trump’s crusade to undermine fair and free elections and empower his dictatorial ambitions, even if it means defending the violence of January 6th. Across the country these extreme Republicans will say and do anything to “bend the knee” to Trump, and it’s this fanatical fealty to him that will cost them the House majority.”


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