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Troy Balderson’s Disastrous Record on Opioids

Troy Balderson has failed central Ohio families struggling with the opioid crisis.

Between 2016 and 2017, while Balderson has been in office, drug overdose deaths in Ohio spiked 39%, the third highest jump in the nation.

In his own words, Balderson “fought attempts to implement Obamacare in Ohio” including, “opposing Governor Kasich’s efforts to bring it to the state.” Governor Kasich’s expansion of Medicaid, which occurred under the health care law and despite Balderson’s opposition, has extended opiate addiction treatment to at least 50,000 Ohioans.

Troy Balderson has declared “I’m opposed to Obamacare” and written, “DC Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare, and it’s time they make true on their word.”

Just look at these quotes from a doctor who runs a network of drug treatment clinics in southern Ohio about what cutting Medicaid as part of ACA repeal would do to opioid treatment:

“It would essentially write off a generation.”

“It would be catastrophic.”

“We are just beginning to get some momentum to change the whole paradigm for patients.… Without Medicaid coverage, we couldn’t continue.”

“Not only did Troy Balderson stand in the way of bringing addiction treatment to tens of thousands of Ohioans as the opioid crisis deepened, but now he has openly declared his intention to go to Congress and work with Washington Republicans to take that treatment away,” said DCCC spokesperson Jacob Peters. “No amount of propping up by Washington Republicans can change that fact that Balderson and his reckless politics have failed Ohio families when it comes to the opioid crisis.”

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