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Trump-y Versus Trump-ier in IL-06 GOP Primary

New Sun-Times report indicates that firebrand conservative Jeanne Ives is mulling run in IL-06 GOP primary, setting up a race to the right

A new report from the Chicago Sun-Times shows that hardline conservative, and former state representative, Jeanne Ives is planning and polling for a potential run in Illinois’ 6th Congressional District – setting up a race to the right with Evelyn Sanguinetti in the Republican primary for a district that President Trump lost by almost seven percentage points in 2016.

Evelyn Sanguinetti announced her support for President Trump’s re-election on her first day as a candidate (after being “initially evasive” with reporters), but expect the specter of an Ives candidacy to draw Sanguinetti even further to the right – even as Trump pursues an agenda that is resulting in higher health care costs for middle-class families and higher taxes for Illinois homeowners. And, expect a repeat of last year’s “poisonous” Republican primary between Ives and Sanguinetti’s old boss Bruce Rauner – resulting in a double-digit landslide loss for Sanguinetti’s ticket in the general election.

“Whether it’s Evelyn Sanguinetti or Jeanne Ives, it’s clear that Republicans will be running a rubber stamp in the 6th District for President Trump’s disastrous agenda of higher health care costs and higher taxes,” said DCCC spokesperson Mike Gwin. “Illinoisans want someone like Sean Casten who will stand up to President Trump when he hurts Illinois and threatens our values – not someone like Sanguinetti or Ives who will back him every step of the way.”


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