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Trump’s Project 2025 Will Raise Costs and Taxes for Hardworking Families in CA-41

By backing Donald Trump, Ken Calvert is embracing his far-right agenda

Trump’s Project 2025 is an extreme manifesto that has far-reaching consequences if he and House Republicans like Calvert are given another term in power.

Project 2025 would dramatically raise costs for hardworking middle class families, by:

  • Increasing taxes for working families and allowing the ultra wealthy to pay less

  • Cutting taxes for big corporations to 18% from its current 21%

  • Reducing the capital gains tax which would disproportionately benefit the ultra wealthy

  • Repealing key provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that are making it more affordable for Americans to weatherize their homes, install new heating or cooling systems, or cut their energy bills

  • Threatening overtime pay for over 4.3 million people

DCCC Spokesperson Dan Gottlieb:
“Ken Calvert and Donald Trump are hellbent on bailing out billionaires, big corporations, and the ultra wealthy and have no problem raising taxes on hardworking Californians to do it. The DCCC will continue to hold them accountable for their harmful agenda over the next 99 days.”


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