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TWO PEAS IN A POD: April Becker Campaigns with Fellow Nevada Election Denier Michael McDonald

Anti-Democracy April to join NVGOP Chairman under investigation by the FBI for trying to overturn 2020 election

First, April Becker sued to overturn her own election loss in 2020.

Now, April Becker is campaigning alongside Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald, who was served a warrant by the FBI for his main role in Trump’s “alternate elector scheme” – the major effort by Trump loyalists to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

And it’s not hard to figure out why. After Becker lost her 2020 Nevada state senate campaign, she filed a lawsuit to “essentially nullify” and order a “re-do” of her election. She told a conspiracy theory podcast known for pushing Trump’s Big Lie that her 2020 election “win” was “stolen.”

With this latest campaign stop, Becker is proving once again that she’s happy to throw out Nevadans’ votes when she doesn’t agree with the result.

DCCC Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw 
“Nevadans deserve a representative who will protect their sacred right to vote. Campaigning with fellow election denier Michael McDonald in the latest in April Becker’s long and terrifying history of trying to overturn Nevada election results that she doesn’t like.”


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