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Jun 20 2024


Ahead of Second Anniversary of Roe Overturning, DCCC Chair DelBene, DNC Chair Harrison, & DSCC Vice Chair Smith Call Out GOP Attacks on Abortion Rights

Today, DCCC Chair Suzan DelBene, DSCC Vice Chair Tina Smith, and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison discussed how ongoing Republican attacks on reproductive rights are raising the stakes for the 2024 elections in the face of growing public support for abortion access. Two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Democrats are on offense to ensure every […]

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Apr 24 2024


Democrats Build Fundraising Momentum As House Republicans Flounder

Axios: “House Democrats and Democratic candidates have begun to dominate Republicans in fundraising as the 2024 election draws near” House Democrats and Democratic candidates continue to out-compete and out-fundraise their extreme Republican opponents, according to recent reporting from Axios, Fox News, CNN, NBC News, and Puck News. Axios reports, on average, “Democratic incumbents, nominees, and frontrunners in highly competitive […]

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Mar 22 2024


¿Qué están diciendo? El presupuesto republicano aumenta la edad de jubilación, y restringe el aborto

La Opinión: Republicanos de la Cámara piden aumentar la edad de jubilación para aprobar el presupuesto de 2025 El Comité de Estudio Republicano (RSC), que comprende casi el 80% de todos los legisladores republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes, pidió un aumento de la edad de jubilación del Seguro Social en su propuesta de presupuesto federal para el […]

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Mar 21 2024


Monica De La Cruz’s New Budget: Ban Abortion, Attack IVF, and Cut Social Security

Today, Monica De La Cruz’s Republican Study Committee held a press conference to introduce its extreme MAGA budget that would ban abortion nationwide, impose restrictions on IVF, and cut access to quality health care coverage. Chief among De La Cruz’s disastrous policies is the Life At Conception Act, which would effectively ban abortion nationwide with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the […]

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Mar 21 2024


Anthony D’Esposito And Donald Trump Poised To Unveil Nationwide Abortion Ban

By gleefully endorsing Donald Trump, Anthony D’Esposito is joining the former president’s effort to ban abortion nationwide and disregarding the decades-long standard of Roe v. Wade. Trump previewed his plan to ban abortion nationwide in a radio interview on Tuesday. Let’s be clear: Donald Trump is the leader of the House Republican Conference, and every member of the GOP, including D’Esposito, […]

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Mar 15 2024


HARD WORK PAYS OFF: Rep. Salinas Secures Funding for Community Housing and Infrastructure Projects

Beaverton Valley Times: “Millions of dollars are now headed to Washington County” Rep. Andrea Salinas is continuing to deliver real results for her community, this time securing more than $14 million in federal funding for an array of infrastructure improvements and public safety projects.  Salinas’ work will fund water infrastructure, rural broadband, highway safety improvements, and other […]

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Mar 7 2024


Anna Paulina Luna Supports Radical Misogynist Mark Robinson

For someone who claims to advocate for women, Anna Paulina Luna continues to…not advocate for women. Luna celebrated Mark Robinson winning the North Carolina GOP nomination. Yes, the same Mark Robinson who said “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote.” Luna’s support for a misogynistic extremist doesn’t quite align with the pro-women record Luna is […]

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Feb 13 2024


FIXING BRIDGES & BUILDING CAREERS: After Securing $600 Million for I-5 Bridge, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, Transportation Secretary Visit Cascadia Tech

The Columbian: “Strengthening career and technical education programs is a priority for Perez, a Democrat from Skamania” “(The trades are) a unique American asset and an American identity,” Perez said. “To elevate that again and to take pride and seriousness in that, that is how we are going to build projects that last.” Yesterday, Rep. […]

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Feb 6 2024


Mazi Pilip Endorses Donald Trump, Opposes Bipartisan Border Security

Pilip to CNN: “If [Trump] can come to help me, I will appreciate that” Mazi Pilip – who refused to publicly address the voters she seeks to represent once again this past weekend – turned to CNN to flip-flop and pledge fealty to Donald Trump and his extreme agenda that seeks to ban abortion nationwide, decimate the SALT tax […]

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Jan 25 2024


Affordable Care Act Enrollment in Arizona is Up – Will David Schweikert Oppose Trump’s Plan to Repeal It?

Donald Trump and House Republicans are hellbent on repealing the Affordable Care Act. New data shows 348,055 total individuals are now enrolled in Affordable Care Act coverage in Arizona. House Republicans have already promised to blindly follow puppet master Trump in his efforts to strip essential health care programs from a record-breaking 20 million Americans. Repealing the ACA would expose over 1,145,000 Arizonans with pre-existing conditions to […]

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