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Vulnerable Rep. David Schweikert Shares Blame For Continued Attack on Women’s Freedoms and Threat To Abortion Rights

As SCOTUS hears oral arguments to decide the fate of Roe v. Wade, Rep. David Schweikert will be on the wrong side of history

Today, the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a challenge to a Mississippi law that bans abortion at 15 weeks of pregnancy — which could unravel the constitutional right to abortion guaranteed by Roe v. Wade.

Should this extreme law be upheld, 26 states could move to ban the right to abortion, and individuals across the country could have 50 years of precedent and constitutionally-secured rights stripped away from them.

This Mississippi law is just one of the latest challenges to a woman’s right to make her own decision about her body. Vulnerable Rep. David Schweikert shares the blame for these repeated attacks on women’s freedoms and health care — and his extreme anti-choice record proves it. 

  • Schweikert opposes a woman’s right to choose and repeatedly voted to defund Planned Parenthood, making it harder for Arizona women to access birth control, cancer screenings, and preventative care.

  • In September, when the House of Representatives sought to protect abortion and reproductive health care by voting on the Women’s Health Protection Act, Schweikert proudly voted “NO.”

  • Schweikert repeatedly voted to repeal protections barring insurance companies from charging women more than men for the same care and requiring coverage of maternity care and birth control.

DCCC Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“As the Supreme Court begins to hear oral arguments on a case that could decide the fate of Roe v. Wade, Arizonans are reminded that Rep. David Schweikert is all too happy to further the radical crusade to outlaw all abortion in the United States. Make no mistake — Schweikert is just another politician trying to control women’s freedoms and take away their constitutional right to make their own health care decisions.”


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