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Rep. Katko Voted No, Took the Dough on Key Infrastructure and Jobs Investments

Voters in NY-24 deserve better than a hypocrite who votes against their own community

Vulnerable Republican Rep. John Katko once again voted no and took the dough by voting against the landmark INVEST Act, which contains critical investments in infrastructure and job creation, including millions directly for Katko’s district at his own request.

Take a look at where the investments that Rep. Katko voted against would be headed:

  • $8,000,000 for Onondaga Lake Canalways Trail—Salina Extension Project in Syracuse, NY 

  • $4,407,200 for Reconstruction of Osborne Street in Auburn, NY

  • $2,970,400 for Route 31 Improvement Project in Wayne County, NY

  • $2,778,400 for Phase 1 of the New York State Route 38 – State Street Pavement Preservation Project in Auburn, NY
  • $1,254,400 for Route 104 Intersection Improvement Project in Ontario, NY

When Rep. Katko is home in the district this recess, don’t be surprised if he spends time touting the very investments he just voted against. Just like when he voted against direct relief funds for his community in the American Rescue Plan, Katko voted no but was all too happy to take the dough.

“Rep. Katko is so out-of-touch with his district that he repeatedly votes against needed investments in his community in an attempt to score cheap political points,” said DCCC Spokesperson Abel Iraola. “Families in Central New York have Democrats to thank for the good-paying jobs and much-needed infrastructure investments headed their way — but not John Katko, who stood against them when it counted.”


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