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This time around, Congressman Poliquin didn’t even try to run from the fact he’s in favor of cutting access to health care for Mainers. Instead, he ran right into the fire, doubling down on his support for health care funding cuts for children.

23,000 children in Maine alone, to be exact.

Poliquin’s explanation for his position was simple: those dollars to ensure kids have access to basic health care would be “wasted.”

In response to Congressman Poliquin’s sudden frankness about where his priorities lie, DCCC spokesperson Cole Leiter released the following statement:

“Congressman Poliquin just punched a $1.5 trillion hole in the deficit by giving an enormous handout to Wall Street corporations and Washington special interests and now has the gall to claim funding for children’s health insurance is ‘wasted.’ That’s not the first time Congressman Poliquin has stood on the wrong side of Mainers’ access to affordable health care. If Congressman Poliquin cared half as much about the well being of Maine families as he did about rubber stamping his party’s agenda in Washington we’d all be better off. Unfortunately, he has proven time and again that he doesn’t.”



Maine Public Radio: “Poliquin Supports Trump’s Planned Cuts to Children’s Health Insurance Program.” [Maine Public Radio, 5/16/18]

“Maine Republican Rep. Bruce Poliquin is backing President Donald Trump’s plan to cut $15 billion in federal spending on children’s health insurance and other programs, saying the money would be “wasted” otherwise.” [Maine Public Radio, 5/16/18]

Lewiston Sun Journal: “Rep. Poliquin co-sponsors bill to cut $7 billion from federal Child Health Insurance Program.” [Lewiston Sun Journal, 5/15/18]

“Just a few months after approving a six-year extension of the Child Health Insurance Program that serves about 23,000 Maine minors, Congress may strip $7 billion from funds it already approved for the program. U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin, a Republican from Maine’s 2nd District, is among the co-sponsors of a measure that would rescind the funding as part of a $15 billion plan that supporters said would reduce federal spending.” [Lewiston Sun Journal, 5/15/18]

Maine Public Radio: “Maine Religious Leaders To Poliquin: ‘Do Not Take Food From The Mouths Of Hungry Children.’” [Maine Public Radio, 5/8/18]

“The Rev. Jim Gertmenian said that while Maine’s U.S. Reps. Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin have both made their positions known — Pingree is against the bill, and Poliquin is for it — he’s calling on Poliquin to change. ‘We say to Rep. Poliquin, do not take food from the mouths of hungry children. You can be better than this. Please stand up and do what is right.’” [Maine Public Radio, 5/8/18]

Maine Beacon: “Poliquin co-sponsors cuts to health care program serving 23,000 Maine children.” [Maine Free Beacon, 5/15/18]

“President Donald Trump has asked Congress to approve, and Maine Rep. Bruce Poliquin is co-sponsoring, $7 billion in cuts to the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), on which roughly 23,000 Maine children depend for health coverage. The move is meant to offset increased shortfalls following recently-passed corporate tax cuts.”

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