Today, the DCCC IE released its first-ever in language TV ads serving the many AAPI communities in California’s 39th Congressional District. “Lose,” in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Korean, highlights retread candidate Young Kim’s unquestioning support of Washington Republicans’ crusade to strip Californians of their health care in her latest desperate bid for public office.
Instead of standing up for Orange County families, Young Kim has cozied up to Big Pharma and Republicans in Washington who have joined forces to wage a relentless assault on health care. Even during this unprecedented pandemic they are working to repeal the ACA, cut Medicaid expansion, and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
The DCCC’s in-language outreach to Asian American and Pacific Islanders is critical given AAPI voters represent nearly a third of the population in California’s 39th district.
Watch “Lose” in Mandarin, in Cantonese, and in Korean
“Young Kim has lost so many political campaigns that she is willing to do anything to win, even if her actions mean Californians lose – from supporting her party’s relentless assault to cut health care coverage, to slashing Medicaid for our most vulnerable and elderly, to taking away protections for those with pre-existing conditions,” said DCCC Spokesperson Darwin Pham. “Southern Californians cannot afford to lose their health care amidst the worst pandemic in recent history – and this includes the diverse AAPI community that has been disproportionately hit hard by this crisis. We are making sure everyone knows exactly where Young Kim stands.”
Young Kim has run for office four times.
She really wants to win.
She sides with the pharmaceutical industry.
And, supports her party leaders, even as they have voted time and time again
to take away health insurance from 23 million Americans,
cut Medicaid funding by $834 billion,
and gut protection for pre-existing conditions.
Young Kim only cares about herself. If she wins, we lose.
D-C-C-C is responsible for the content of this advertising.
Young Kim已經四次競選公職
並且取消針對 “投保前健康狀況”嘅保障
Young Kim只係在乎自己。一旦她當選, 輸嘅就係我哋
영 김 후보는 지금까지 공직에 총 네 번 출마했습니다.
그녀는 자신이 당선되기를 너무나도 원합니다.
그녀는 제약 업계 편에 서서
자신이 속한 정당 지도부를 지지합니다. 그녀의 당 지도부가 지속적으로
2,300만 미국인의 건강 보험을 없애기 위해,
메디케이드 예산을 $8,340억으로 삭감하기 위해,
그리고 기존 질병의 보호 장치를 없애기 위해 투표하고 있음에도 말입니다.
영 김 후보는 오로지 자신의 이익만을 추구합니다. 그녀의 승리는 곧 우리의 패배입니다.
본 광고 콘텐츠에 대한 책임은 D-C-C-C에 있습니다.