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WATCH: French Hill Puts Corporations First in New DCCC TV Ad

Today, the DCCC released a new TV ad highlighting Congressman French Hill’s record of putting corporations first.

First” reminds voters in Arkansas’s 2nd Congressional District that as a banker, Hill allowed his employees to lose their jobs while he raked in $4 million. In Congress he voted for his party’s Washington tax scam where 83% of the benefits will ultimately go to the top 1%. On top of that, he voted to keep corporate recipients and lenders of coronavirus relief money, including a bank he owned a multimillion-dollar stake in, secret while Arkansas small businesses struggled to get aid and families suffered through this ongoing global pandemic.

This ad will air in the Little Rock Media Market beginning today.

Watch “First” Here

“First he worked as a banker; now Congressman French Hill works for the bankers,” said DCCC Spokesperson Sarah Guggenheimer. “Arkansas voters know they can’t trust Hill to put their interests ahead of his corporate donor pals looking for a payout. Hill’s record is proof positive that while he’s in Congress, Arkansas families will never come first.”

Ad Transcript:

VO: With Banker French Hill, corporate money comes first.

He sold his bank, and cashed out for 4 million dollars, while employees lost their jobs.

Hill voted to keep the recipients of 500 billion in coronavirus relief money secret,

And we couldn’t see corporate donors get to the front of the line.

While regular Arkansas businesses couldn’t get loans and had to lay off workers.

With French Hill, corporate cash comes first. Not Arkansas.


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